In addition to tomatoes and peppers, the farm also grows strawberries, the berries of which can be purchased locally on the farm. In the spring, seedlings of flowers, tomatoes and peppers in pots are grown, which can also be purchased from our place.
Elsanta x Calea, 1999 (Germany). Medium early strawberry variety. Berries large or very large, shiny, quite sweet, conical in shape, stable in the rain, but not particularly resistant to heat, tasty. Resistant to soil-borne pathogens.
Medium early French variety with good taste and aroma. Berries bright red, dense. The "Deluxe" variety has delicious berries of the same size. Many berries ripen at one time, most of the berries are first class. The stems on which the berries hang are long, so the berries are easily visible - this property allows you to quickly collect a large number of berries, gives a good harvest in the second harvest year. Still in trial.
Early strawberry variety. Berries plate conical shape in bright red with a good aroma. Moderately resistant to powdery mildew, maintains a balanced berry size throughout the season, but must ensure good growing conditions, as it grows worse in stressful conditions.
Early and high-yielding variety. The berries are bright red, darker on ripening, distinctly conical in shape, distinctly sweet, but with a balanced, fresh-sour taste. Forms many inflorescences, as a result of which the flowering period is extended, which ensures high productivity. Not susceptible to mildew. It is recommended that the plants be etched prophylactically against Phytoptora Cactorium before planting.
Norwegian breeding variety. Medium early. The berries are very large and large, dense, dark red in color, velvety, tasty with a very good taste and aroma. Very productive, forms many strings. Simply an excellent variety. The berries lie on the ground, so it is recommended to mulch with straw or peat.
Vidēji agrīna šķirne ar nedaudz iegareni koniski sarkanām, spīdīgām ogām, Nedaudz tumšākas kā zemenes SONATA. šķirne noturīga pret sakņu slimībām. Ogu kvalitāte nemainās ilgāku laiku pēc novākšanas. Pateicoties ilgai kvalitātes noturībai, der gariem pārvadājumiem.